Seven Good Reasons Why We Love Blogs

February 11, 2021 Off By Soham Collins

Web logs at their core are simply online message forums with the most recent message postings at the top of the page. Blogging has erupted in popularity in the last 10 years, and blogs focus literally on anything (and everything) someone (or anyone) has an opinion on. Blogs often serve as types of ‘sounding boards’ for opinions and updated information, but they can also be online diaries and simple mediums for message posting. Blogs can be created quickly and easily and many sites such as allow users to create web logs for free.

OMention your blog on appropriate forums. For example, if your company offers resume writing services, consider writing about your blog in job-hunt forums.

OStyle. Many readers just love to see a gorgeous, well-written blog. Plenty of marketing blogs simply provide interesting content and nice graphics and do quite well in drawing readers and customers.

Some people have found out that blogs can also be used to sell products. In fact, an entire industry has evolved around commercial blogging and ways to market them. Some of these commercial blogs appear in the same journal style as the most popular professional profile, while others do not look any different from a regular commercial website.

Warrior Forum often has posters who list blogs with dofollow links enabled. You may have to search around a bit, but they’re there. The problem here is the same problems as numbers 1 and 2 above – namely these blogs get ambushed with spam and the dofollow is changed to nofollow quickly.

Your blogs should have an optimum keyword density that catches the eye of a search engine to get it noticed. Besides, they should have a visual appeal, latest and burning topics. Make your blog interesting and appealing for the visitors so that they can keep coming back to you for more.

Blogs were initially set up so that people had a place on the Internet where they could create sort of an online diary or journal. They had a place to tell their stories and share with their friends and families. Now, of course, we have social networking sites like Facebook, which is easy to use and performs all the functions most social blogs were created for.

The problem with all blog spam is that it relies on SEO “tactics” that the search engines hate. Sometimes a nuisance, sometimes illegal and almost always results in more garbage on the Internet. There is nothing worse than having to wade through someone’s garbage to find good quality information. But one thing is for sure, for as long as blog spam works, one man’s garbage will continue to be a spammer’s goldmine.