What Is Blog Marketing?

November 5, 2020 Off By Soham Collins

Once you start to self-host your blog, you’ll also start to think of ways on how to save on its fees. Running a “real” blog, so to speak, can be costly. Well, you have to pay for domain name, the hosting service, email responder and the added features you need to apply for your blog site.

If I could go back and change one thing then I would probably have blogged more consistently. When I did that readers, subscribers, comments and emails increased pretty quickly. When I blogged inconsistently everything moved slower or not at all.

What do you want to talk about on your site? Do you have a job that brings you into contact with the public? Especially if you deal with any type of collection for payments, you might have a lot of stories to tell. And other people may find them very amusing. For instance, perhaps you are required to call people by their last name. If you have a customer with the name Pretty Pink, you would be required to call the customer Mr. or Mrs. pink. Now just imagine if the person who is the cardholder turns out to be a very large sounding man. This just may be a conversation your readers will be interested in. if you have enough stories like this, you may not have to wonder how to get rich quick for very long.

Create a blog archive to store your older posts. Also, add a SEARCH feature that enables blog visitors to enter search terms and words to locate the precise repost post they’re looking for.

Yes, there are pictures of checks whatever but normally the proof is in how they teach you about making money. Perhaps there is a step by step instruction on what they actually do. That should be worth reading.

A good idea is to read and subscribe to online blogs and articles relevant in your niche. By doing this you open yourself up to new information and opportunities.

Become an affiliate. Companies are always seeking individuals to sell their product or service online. As an affiliate you can market these products and services on your blog or website. You will place a banner or link which is provided by the company on your blog or website. Every sale that is generated from your website will earn you a commission (usually 5-20%). You would be surprised by the number of companies that offer an affiliate program. Many fortune 100 and 500 companies have affiliate programs that pay extremely well.

So if this is the first time you’ll ever make a blog for yourself, you don’t have to think twice. There are many free blog sites over the internet that you can possibly start with. Try to learn the ins and outs of blogging. After you have had the feel of it, you should be ready to get things working for you!