Step By Step To Optimize Your Mobile Blog

November 5, 2020 Off By Soham Collins

Before you learn how to make money with a blog you should understand both what a blog is and what it requires. Almost everyone likes to share their own personal point of view. People have a need to share information and personal point of views and blogs started as a way to do that. However as time passed, the use of blogs has expanded beyond that purpose.

First, lets talk about why — whether you’re a car dealership, restaurant, chiropractor, public speaker, or whatever — being in full control of your online reputation is so important.

Have an idea on who your audience is, and go after them. If you are aware of where your visitors spend the most time, such as on social media sites, then you want to do the same thing. People would like to read articles created by people they can relate to. You can show reliability by using the same sites that they do to communicate.

Add pictures – eye candy. Also, a picture on the web IS worth a thousand words. If you’re selling a special kind of insert for the marathoner’s running shoes, a cross-section shows how that insert benefits the runner.

Pick a topic for your blog. You have to be specific in your WAHM Car. You have to pick a topic that you are really interested in and this is very important if you really like your blog to keep going. If you choose a topic that is not of your interest, you will find yourself later on not posting any blog any longer. Of course, you have to choose a topic that you are comfortable with as you will be updating your blog daily.

But don’t just limit yourself to Google! Search anywhere people can talk about you– online blogs, news sources, forums, social media sites, etc. Making a plan to ensure you control page one of Google’s results and other sites was the most important part of taking control of our online presence and turning our reputation around. If this seems too daunting or you find you don’t have the time manage Google’s first page of results, you may want to hire a reputation manager to help you get this fine tuned like we did.

The age of hype is over and if you are looking at a blog with flashy cars, houses and blink blinks surely its a tell tale sign its a blog of hype and nothing else. Always scan the content to see if its newsworthy stuff.

In conclusion, it is important to market your blog persistently as you would market a business. Take advantage of all the great social networking sites available to you as well as the many forums that support bloggers. BE CREATIVE and think “out of the box” and you will be surprised about the awesome adventure you will take with your blog! Remember though to have fun and enjoy too!