Legal Marketing: Social Media Strategies You Can’t Ignore

May 7, 2020 Off By Soham Collins

So after you have setup the WordPress blog on your site, you need to maximize its capabilities by having the desired additional features. As you know, the advantage of the WordPress blogging platform is that it is designed as a content management system with the ability to run widgets and plugins. And unless you’re doing this, you’ll not be leveraging the potential of the platform.

Social media marketing gives you an edge over larger competitors. Studies show that most companies are not yet adopting social media, leaving a sweet gap for the “little guy” to do big business in that space.

Tip: Don’t ask for favors. And don’t flaunt the favors you do. Simply follow, comment on, link to, or otherwise become “known” to select publishers in your niche. They will notice… and generally begin to reciprocate. Given a little time the relationship will form naturally and be incredibly beneficial on both sides.

Although using Ping or similar web services solves the issue of having to deal with too many follow me sites on a one-by-one basis, the bigger issue is blogging. Many businesspeople find themselves at a loss for subject matter. If you run a frozen yogurt shop then, yeah, you’re probably not going to find enough topics to write a year’s worth of blog posts, let alone keep the blog running strong for the next five or 10 years.

There are several tools you can use to automate your social media. For example, you can have your tweets automatically post to Facebook and LinkedIn. You can have your blog postings automatically sent to an article hosting site. But my favorite program allows me to post to all social media profiles in just one click and I can program my posts to go out months in advance! There are even tools that have a feature that posts the messages when it is calculated for the most followers to see it.

This social media profiles might sound easy to do but it’s the most tricky. The last thing you want is to sound spammy or post all kinds of self-promotional links. That’s the easiest way of getting unfollowed and unfriended.

It’s okay to put “social media” on my resume. Yes, due to the fact that a lot of marketing divisions of firms do not know what social media actually is, you may get away with it. However, you will eventually (and it will happen) run into somebody who knows social media and you will be embarrassed.

Social Media is a viable channel, an enormously profitable tool and one you should NOT be just playing around with. For serious profits, it’s time to master this one. And….. make it your slave!