How To Set Up A Money-Making Blog

May 9, 2020 Off By Soham Collins

Promote a blog? Why would a person do that? If you don’t know the answer to that question, maybe you shouldn’t have a blog. The purpose of having an online blog is to record your opinions, thoughts and views on a given topic, subject of issue. The blog becomes useless if no one every reads it. In addition to sharing your opinion with the world, a blog can also be used to make money. By adding links to affiliate programs or Google AdSense ads you can start making some money. If you are making money with your blog, you will definitely want to promote it.

Like with any other area in life it’s important that you learn from your own past and mistakes and from others. And that you then improve and optimize your Follow me for DIY tips, business or diet. DON’T FORGET about this part, think about what worked well the last few months and what did not. Think about what you learned about headlines, social bookmarking and color-schemes. Then experiment and try to optimize the different parts of your blog.

The link might have the blog address + /a short word/ + the name of the item. For example, on my website, most affiliate links are (example could be something like) richramalho dot com/productname.

Everyone was blogging from political parties to small business. Many people saw blogging as a way to express their views on the war in Iraq as well as other political matters that were troubling them. blogs became a new informant for media coverage as well as other topics like celebrity news.

Your online blog is your own personal tool and you can therefore write about anything. However, the most successful blogs do have some sort of theme and a type of writing voice. Writing about anything and swapping between humour and seriousness can really prevent you from having any traffic.

The easiest way to make an income with a blog is to serve ads. The most popular is Google’s AdSense. All you have to do is to add a snippet of code into your post and ads would appear. Whenever a visitor clicks that ad, you get paid. Although easy, the drawback with this form of making money with a blog is that you only get paid cents for every qualified click.

In the end – what is in it for your readers to come to your site and read your posts? You need to provide them with some sort of value. It could be education, entertainment, giveaways or some content that they cannot find elsewhere. If you are providing information that can be found elsewhere then what value can you offer that others are not offering?

At the end of the day, deciding on whether or not you want to have a website or blog will depend on what your purpose is, your skill level, and budget. Visit blogs to see what they look like and how they are structured and do the same with websites. Then decide what will work best for you and what you want to achieve.