Five Things You Should Do To Get Your First Article Published

April 3, 2020 Off By Soham Collins

First and foremost, why do people want to feature their cars to the public? Is it simply to show it off? The answer is yes & no. Many car tuning companies will want to show off their cars to get noticed, to promote their company and to get business. However, reason varies for the individual owners, well some may say “show-off” but most I feel (just like me) is that – after all these hard work, creativity, money spend on the your car, you would want to ensure that all these are paid off, that people actually appreciate your work and to prove that it’s worth the effort you put in and ultimately you get documentation of your hard work before you finally sell your car.

This is similar to point two. Not only should you work in the area of your expertise but start with magazine you already know or subscribe to. This will give you an advantage because you know the format, articles and the way the editor thinks. There will be subjects that you would be interested in finding out about so research it and present the images to the editor. Again, as I have said before, if you are able to write an accompanying article you will increase your chances of getting published.

However, at this point in her life, she has someone that she can turn to; someone that she can consult in all confidentiality. I am talking about Health magazines which can play a big and important role in her life. She can read these magazines, and find a solution to her problems. There are, for example, magazines to help her lead a healthy life by maintaining a balanced diet. On the other hand she should be sure to check out the authenticity of those magazines. She should read only reputed magazines, printed by reputed publishers; their ideas and views are more likely to be genuine and trustworthy. Otherwise, she could pick up wrong information, which may mislead her and be detrimental to her health.

One of the ways we have used magazines is to actually cut out the pictures themselves. (Make sure you buy the magazine please). You can then start a folder with these pictures. This process might only be a weekend but for many people they will collect months and month’s worth of issues, cutting out pictures of bathrooms they like and keeping them in their folder.

Limit the amount of read articles you subscribe to. Once a year re-evaluate all the magazines you subscribe to. Have you outgrown or moved on from the subject matter? When you open your mail box and see it does it bring joy or guilt? Magazines you purchase are supposed to bring knowledge, inspiration, and joy NOT guilt!

Most of the things I know about working out I learned from all women health magazines I subscribe to. For instance, I always thought that cardio workouts were the best ones for women. If you hit the treadmill ever day and stay on it for an hour or so, after a couple of months you’ll have a good body. On the contrary, I found out that strength training is just as important. The results will come much faster if you combine the two, and your body will be much more toned as well. I guess you can learn something new every day!

The property magazines can help you in locating properties where growth is continuous. Aside from that, you also need to consider the lifestyle of the people living in a certain area. Can these people afford to purchase real estate properties? Or can they afford the monthly rentals? Check the area for nice homes because it’s a great sign that there is wealth there.

The magazines are reasonably priced. If you want, you can even subscribe online for a monthly copy of the magazine and you’re free to unsubscribe any time you like. For busy people, digitally formatted magazines are the best choice so that you can access them easily on the web rather than going to magazine stands or bookstores.