Benefit Of Online Music

June 13, 2020 Off By Soham Collins

Making, performing and releasing music may sometimes feel like labour of love – why, sometimes we are even expected to pay to play gigs. Yet so much cost can be involved: equipment, instruments, recordings, studying, coaching/music lessons… not forgetting the hours we put in for composition, practice, marketing and promotion. And we can’t expect the world to owe us something (or a lot) for what we choose or need to do. It’s survival of the fittest, right? The strongest music gets the income.

Is there a song that brings back a childhood memory in you? How about a song that brings back the memory of a love, or a lost love? Do you remember the MUSIC that played at your prom? Maybe you and a special someone have a song that you share. Couples often do have a song they consider their song, usually the MUSIC EDM that was playing when they had their first kiss, or first dance.

If you do send your music to radio stations and shows that are likely to like and play your music, then you may very well get some airplay and this can also accumulate. They are free to join and take a small percentage from music royalties they claim for you. And they hunt them down internationally. Research radio stations that may specialise in your music – I make quite unique or weird creative music and still find enough outlets to play and support my independent music.

A lot of music maker software will come with a step-by-step instructional tutorial. That is ideal for beginning music makers. Additionally, if your software comes with samples that you can utilize that is immensely helpful. They will help you to see each step in action of making your own music.

Religions also uses music to instill awe, faith and inspiration. Countries use music to help you feel patriotic. Marching bands will use music to stir up team spirit. Many leaders have recognized the power of music. Lovers will use music to seduce you. Nightclubs will use music to make you dance, and get thirsty. Companies will use music to brand their product, and help you remember it. For instance, soft drink companies in particular have been very successful at that. Do you have a favorite soft drink songs, or maybe a company jingle that you have found catchy?

I literally listen to digital music as I step out of bed each morning and continue listening until I close my eyes at night, even after I fall asleep (I have the timer set on 30 minutes). Music will never fade away. It is perpetual and will always exist in one form or another. If you think about it music is just a couple of sound waves that produce one really unique result. Music is in a nature. Listen to the wind blowing through the trees, or the waves breaking on the beach… just another type of music.

Last but not least a scrapbook is excellent item to stay with you. This is a terrific tool when you get those spontaneous lyrical ideas. I carry a tiny note book. So,this is my gripe and tips for how to write music to lyrics.