3 Tips About Making Money With A Blog

December 16, 2020 Off By Soham Collins

Earn money online blogs get to break the fourth wall. I’ve seen blogs where the writer of the blog explains how they’re keyword stuffing in their post to get around Google restrictions. You can use a blog post of your blog to illustrate how to perform proper blog names and how to introduce long tails. You can tell people to search for your blog on Google and show how you got that high search engine ranking position. You’re like a magician telling everybody all of the tricks but still making it look magical.

A blog generally includes a few basic parts. The main blog name, which describes what the blog is all about and tells viewers the general topics they will find there. The website will also have multiple articles or compact articles that are dated and feature the bi-line of the author. Lastly, the blog will feature a comments section where readers can post comments on a blog entry and interact with one another as well. Additionally, most blogs will have societal sharing mechanisms where readers can share the information in their Facebook, Twitter, Google+ and other social networking accounts.

Well, fellow add me gers, I’m here to tell you it can be done. Now, I don’t want to fool anyone reading this report. I have not even reached the 1,000 visitors per day mark yet, but I started my blog in March of this year. My point here is that it takes some time to drive traffic to your blog, patience, and some creative thinking. In actuality, since I have been using the 5 strategies below, the traffic to my blog has exploded by 300%!

Also make sure you check out some online blogs. Parents and stroller owners frequently publish testimonials and experiences about their purchases online. A quick Google search reveal some excellent resources in this regard. Just bear in mind you are largely reading opinions. Got to amazon or the manufacturers site for authoritative specifications.

Another branding tactic you can apply is your posting style or frequency. How often are you going to post? Will you publish articles every day, bi-weekly or per week? You must decide on this and stick to it. Your readers should know when to expect your next article. After all; Branding is all about consistency and predictability.

I also meet many local people on Twitter and Facebook intentionally. You may go to these two sites and look up people by locale. Remember though not to spam your new friends because you might get worse or blocked, disciplined by the websites themselves! They will see your articles and click on what interests them. Once your local network grows, you can use your traffic data from, once more, Google Analytics to get reviews and local giveaways. I certainly enjoy a complimentary haircut, dinner, etc.. What about you? Enjoy the advantages of your blog!

As soon as you’ve figured out your site subject, writing new entries should be a breeze.As a blogger, it is a rewarding feeling for having the ability to share your ideas as you inspire others also.